I am in the middle of a satisfying week. Why is that Ted you may ask? Hell, even if you didn't ask we're going to invent a fake person named, um, Bob. Again I say that I am in the middle of a satisfying week. "Why is that Ted?" asked Bob. Why thank you for asking Bob, I'll let you know!
The very lovely Ms. Kithos was having a conversation with the very lovely Stacie Snow and suggested she come by to shoot with me. Before you know it we've settled on a weekend in February and are almost done hammering out the details. For those of you that do not know, Stacie and I share the same birthday and get along like peas in a pod. The shoots are always fun and she never fails to deliver on the type of content that I do. If that's not enough, Ms. Kithos also set up a shoot for me with Kerri Taylor. Kerri is incredible to work with, and we have this odd working dynamic. I can get her into just about any bind without issue or without her needing pain-killers for the next week. It always brings a smile to my face getting a model into a predicament that others cannot seem to convince her to do!
On the equipment front, I tested out my new lighting and love it. The easiest way to light is to use shop lights. They're cheap and pump out a lot of light which is great for video. They also pump out a lot of heat and roast the model like a turkey! The new lights are cool lights (no pun intended); they generate next to no heat. That means the models will last longer in the ties, I won't sweat like a pig and I'll be doing less color corrections in the post-processing. On top of that, I finally did some test video with my main camera. Yes, a couple years ago I bought the first SLR digital camera that also shot HDV 1080 video. Holy crap does it shoot great video! We'll be putting that baby on a tripod for extra angles and footage in the future. Ms. Taylor will be the first to be filmed with it.
On the health front, not many people know that I severely sprained my ankle and had a minor sprain with the other ankle. The short version is for a week I couldn't walk. I had to cancel two shoots that broke my heart. Well, I can walk again, have no more bruising and the swelling is down enough to allow full mobility which means I'll be doing on-screen rigging by Friday.
Last but by far not least, I just finished the most successful online month of my very short career. My sales hit an all-time high, my C4S store has quadruple-digit hits each day, my website is almost up to the amount of hits where I will start updating it bi-weekly, I finished my store-front revamps (that almost killed me) and I released my first DVD video.
Since I've blathered on a lot today, I'll make the rest short and sweet:
Best of the Breast: Big Titters in Bondage is available at http://www.videos4sale.com/38048 if you happen to be a fan of Angelique Kitos, JJ Plush, Kerri Taylor or Savannah Costello. It features lots of drooling, breast bondage, crotch rubbing, groping, welded elbows, on-screen tying and pure hotness! It was shot in 1080 HDV and the quality is stellar!
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