It's an element that works for me on a couple levels. The obvious is that in a damsel in distress video you can guarantee a lot of distress! Equally as important you now have a way to extract compliance or information from a damsel. "I'll never tell you where the key is!" WHACK!!! "The key is in that drawer over there!" Finally, man-handling has always been on my list and having your hand on someones cheeks is a great way to get that element.
I will fully admit that I'm not the greatest spanker. I will also admit that a favorite girl of mine is not the best at setting limits for me. We warmed her up, and I told her I'd spank until she said it was too intense. We set the limit and then away we went for the video. I told her to take as much as she could but say enough when it was too much. And so ten minutes later she said enough. The next day she emailed me about the bruising, the trouble sitting and some canceled shoots. Now before you think I just beat people's asses raw I need to say this was a test between two people that trusted each other and wanted to see how far the spanking could be taken. She wanted to know her limits as much as I wanted to push them. However, I have pulled back the level of intensity I use slightly since this :)
If you want to see a very pretty gal getting groped, mauled and her ass reddened like you'll never see anywhere, check out Angelique in Spanked and Mauled.
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