That's why I've been going back to basics. I put together a list of things I felt creatively empowering a long time back. As I attempt to meet the expectations of people there's a risk of shifting too quickly, getting too far away from what you do best. That's why sticking to the core of what you like doing is a key to maintain focus in a dynamic industry. Every clip I've done that holds true to the elements I wrote down in my mission statement has done well. Over the last couple of weeks that strategic regrouping has met with promising results.
That doesn't mean I'm not taking chances. It doesn't mean I'm not taking feedback. In fact I'm taking more chances and incorporating feedback more than ever. The foundation isn't changing though. I have developed several areas that I feel I do well and create a branding for my work. In taking chances you run the risk of walking away from too many of those elements. That's a bad thing. You need to explore and take risks just enough to test new areas without stepping out of realm that people expect you to be working within. Keeping a solid and recognizable core keeps people interested while letting you test new areas.
The latest clips I shot was a great example. I get a lot of response to my living room feel for my videos. It gives the impression that it could be happening anywhere, even right next door. That gets boring though, so I took a chance on shooting at the beach while on vacation. I didn't have all my equipment, but the new location made for an interesting story idea that I feel works. The location pulled me out of my normal villain character, made me more bold and the interaction showed that. I took off the mask, the spanking was harder, the take-down was rougher and we even did a simulated scene in one of the clips. Normally we'd cut that out but it just really worked with the clip as a whole. So we left it in!
The Bitchy Beach Babe Pissed Off the Wrong Renter with Angelique
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