Why did I have to pick a hogtie? |
I hadn't shot with Angelique in some time, and although I had dozens of ideas running through my head I told her I wanted to do a standard tie with some gag rotations. She frowned to find out I only planned to tie her wrists, ankles, knees and elbows. I told her the gags will be difficult, so I wanted to make sure the bondage was not overly taxing. Her response was to challenge me on my choice. "Why tie the hell out of all those other models and then make me look like a whimp?" I asked her what she preferred, and she said hogtie almost immediately.
I brought out the jute rope and put plenty on her legs, really cinching it tight and digging it in deeply. I think I pulled the crotch rope the tightest, disappearing inside her despite both panties and shiny tights underneath. Partially secured and with her hands cuffed behind it back I made her sit, time for the first gag. I knotted her hair out-of-the-way to help with a smooth taping which prompted her to call me a hair dresser. I dropped the small pair of panties in my hand and picked up a gigantic car washing sponge. She looked at like I was out of my mind saying that it would never fit. She had little idea of the capabilities of determination and tight wrappings of tape. I wadded to sponge into a size that would go into her mouth and slowly rocked it in as far as it would go. She was tense and fought the sponge keeping about 1/4 inch still outside of her mouth. I took black electrical tape and started slowly and tightly wrapping it around her head and over the sponge. With each wrapping her jaws tired a little more until finally all the sponge popped fully into her mouth. I kept wrapping until the black tape completely covered her lips.
Angelique was not happy at this point. Her face grew red with strain, and the muffled words, "Too big, it's too big!"seeped out through the massive wad of sponge and the tape over it. I began tying her chest. She was having a great deal of difficulty as the sponge created immense pressure on her jaws, but I let her endure it while I went about my business. Finally when her eyes began to tear up I relented and freed her from the gag. She said she would never call me a hair dresser again and sniffled. I finished framing her chest with stringent ropes and tied her ankles together. To her dismay I reached into my box and pulled out a large pair of panties and some microfoam tape. I told her to open wide, and she groaned as I stuffed her cheeks full and then forced the rest behind her teeth. I wrapped very tight strands of tape around her head until they covered her face.
With wide eyes and a red face she stared at me over the gag while I cut away her top exposing her breasts. I laced a thing jute cord through her chest ropes one one-by-one pulled them tightly trapping each breast in a tight cinch. They quickly turned almost as red as her face, and she was ready for the final challenge. I released her from the torment of her second gag and tied her arm and elbows behind her back. She was ready, and I made her slide to the floor where I pulled her into the corner. I took an even larger pair of panties and begin stuffing them into her mouth. Her cheeks bulged and her eyes widened as I pushed and pushed until every inch of something made to cover a vagina fully filled her face. I wrapped clear electrical tape around her head until she was fully gagged. I then tied her wrists up to her side in a harsh chicken wing before rolling her to her belly. I cinched the hogtie so tightly that she arched without even trying. The ropes alone held her breasts off the ground and she groaned from the strain. I was not done though and finished by tying her hair knot back to her high heels.
I left her like this for over five minutes. She could not move. She could not roll over. She could do little more than arch a little and desperately try to survive her harsh gagging. She was completely helpless, but then again she asked for the position. I only wanted to do an easy tie-em-up, she wanted the hogtie. Then again though my definition of a hogtie differs greatly from what many models are thinking about when they suggest one!
Image courtesy of Hogtied Beyond the Ability to Move with Angelique Kithos. Video available at