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Friday, February 28, 2014

Every Hogtie Is Different from the Last But No Less Strict

Mental note: choose truth next time and not dare!
I tie restraints a little different each time, so it's always nice to go back and review earlier shoots. So much of tying a girl up for me happens on the fly. I know that I will do a hogtie, but I have no idea of the mechanics of the position ahead of time. It starts and then evolves into the final restraint based on spontaneous factors. I know A and I know Z, the hell with how I am going to get there. I have a damsel that can handle great restraint. I am a rigger that knows how to tie someone up. I trust that we will both get to a place that look spectacular.

I do restraint on the fly. I find that for me the fluid results is far better than a meticulously planned position. So many things happen during a restraint that throw off a rigid plan. I like to go with the flow. I know where I am starting and let the river take both of us. It will go to the right place if I trust in her ability to take restraint and my ability to apply restraint. As such my hogties are always a little different each time I do them. I need to secure some rope, so I add something. I have some rope left over, and I do a decorative coil or a wrap of some sort. I need her to arch more, and I add a cinch or two in a place that I haven't before. It's great for me to have a mental inventory of all these variations because at the time all my brain remembers is I hogtied a damsel.

The image above is a great example. I have hogtied Angelique more times than I can count. I have used nylon rope, cotton rope, jute rope, duct tape, electrical tape, stockings, white rope, red rope, black rope, brown rope and the list goes on. Every time the restraint is different. The river takes us both to the same destination of ultra-strict restraint, but that journey is different. This hogtie took some turns that changed the look. A rock appeared and we veered to the left. We hit some rapids and needed to paddle hard back to the right. Some small and not-so-small obstacles demanded we steer the raft where the river wanted, not where we planned. I glanced over and could not see my scissors when I wanted to cut away the pantyhose that would not fit in her mouth, so I just taped over the wad over her lips. It made for a great gag. I felt like her arm ropes would slip so I used decorative loops and cinches to hole them in place. The look was great. I needed a rope for the hogtie and was out, so I untied her knees to use that rope. The knee spread allowed for a much more severe arch in the hogtied. A dozen or more elements of that hogtie happened because we hit on-the-fly challenges and just went with the flow. The result was one of my favorite hogties!

Image courtesy of Packed Mouth and a Jacked Hogtie with Angelique Kithos. Available at http://www.clips4sale.com/38048/10578825.

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