In the days before camera and camcorder yours truly drew ... a lot. Splash pages, comic strips and portraits were my favorite artistic outlet and the scenes were often about tightly bound and gagged damsels in all sorts of dire predicaments. As the years went by I started photographing bondage scenes as reference for the drawings. As I discovered the creative outlet of images and video the drawing slowed down but I still see them in my work.
The drawing of the poor girl tied to the sign post was drawn far in advance of the video screenshot shown. If you turn the screenie upside down though and you'll notice they're basically the same. The positions, angles and style of restraints that I prefer far predate even the first time I tied anyone up. I owe my creativity almost entirely to that. Drawing gave me the ability to visualize restraints. If it doesn't look realistic or possible in a drawing then there's little chance it will work in real life. That's why I still sketch. If I can put it down on paper and it makes sense then I know I can find a way to realize it in the flesh.
At first glance it may appear to be coincidence. If you draw 100 drawings and photograph years of images and video you're bound to see similarities by pure chance. In fact that is very true and I see that all the time; however it's impossible that every drawing pops up some how in multiple videos. I'm fond of saying do what you love and you'll love what you do. My drawing and photography has always focused on what I enjoy. It's only natural that my subconscious would reproduce all of those sketches. If you think something is cool, you're going to see it pop up in your work form time to time without even knowing it.
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