Look up, look down, look all around ... yep, you're helpless! |
She wanted to curse at him from her imposed darkness, but the panties packed into her mouth made every noise a muffled and gurgling string of nonsense. She had long since ceased swearing at him through the taste someone else's sex, but his chiding was incessant. "I can see up your skirt," he said which made her cringe. It seemed like such an easy challenge, but she had no idea he would take it so far. Ropes were one thing, but he then taped over them tightly with duct tape. She could get her hands to some of her bonds, but that tape made it impossible to get to any knots. It seemed even easier when he agreed to scissors. That is until her pulled the white stocking over her already gagged face and wrapped electrical tape over that. She was completely blind. The stocking and tape held her eyelids closed and blocked out any light. Despite that she managed to find the scissors by rolling about until she rolled over them. He agreed to scissors but not to adequate scissors. They were so dull they probably would not cut paper let alone a combined layer of rope and duct tape. She called him a mother-fucker at that point which came out something like, "Mumher huhher!" He played dumb and said, "What? You are feeling hot?" It was then he opened her top exposing her chest. She could now work on chaffing her nipples raw as well as her shoulders when she lolled about on the carpet. That is when she decided against making noises other than grunts and groans, but she would have to tap out at some point. She could not take it any longer. She felt chaffed, sore and useless as she made no headway with her bonds. "Uhnhll," she moaned. He did nothing. She repeated her admission of defeat. He still did nothing. "Uhnnhl, uhnhl, uhnhlllll uu mumhr huhrrr!" she spat out. To her shock he pulled her panties down. She thrashed and kicked as she heard the sounds of his cell phone's camera clicking away. Losing the challenge was bad enough but losing her dignity as well was infuriating. She would teach that son-of-a-bitch a lesson. As she as she was free she would make him agree to new challenge, and she would show him that his restraints were nothing. Yes, she would wipe that smile off his face ... just as soon as her decided to stop taking pictures of her exposed ass and let her go.
Sometimes I think I have a screw loose. I am fortunate enough to work with the most lovely ladies in the fetish industry. The are charming and limber. They spend hours on their hair and make-up to give me visions of female perfection. I am presented with a palette of style and beauty that would melt the heart of any damsel in distress fan. Nyxon is no different. She always looks stellar, and what do I do? I pull a stocking over her head and add so much tape nobody would recognize her. Perfect eyebrows, ruby red lips edged in flawless liner and a professionally blended eye shadow hidden for none to see. I cannot help myself though. There is something about using nylon squeezed tightly around a face that says helpless to me. There is something about shiny, black electrical tape that says a girl will stay put for as long as her captor needs. I do not enjoy encasing her head like a sausage, but I did love that I was sure she would be going nowhere!
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Tied, Taped and Taken - Part Two with Nyxon.
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