The only rope that did not hurt! |
She tried to contain the mass of spit in her
mouth. She curled her lips around the large ball and breathed steadily
through her nose. She worked against the ropes hoping just one would
slip or just one knot would start to loosen. It was an effort in
futility that she had repeated for almost an hour. Her body ached and
her fingers tingled. The more of her that went numb the more other areas
began to throb. She continued desperately to try to free herself, but discomfort was the only reward for her fervent struggles. She grew tired,
but she had to keep going. Each minute drew her farther and farther
from the hope of ever freeing herself and ever closer to a shameful
surprise she could never expect. She gyrated
in the ropes and tensed against their tightness. Fingers without
feeling flexed. Arms on fire swayed back and forth, and shoulders bucked
against ropes that would never yield. The struggles were taking their
toll, and the sweat glistening on her body grew heavier with each
movement. She began to notice a familiar sensation. It was those damn
ropes between legs, pulled deeply inside her and up against her
womanhood. They rubbed with each movement. They stimulated her. She
paused from her struggles to let the rising subside, but the clock
caught her eye. Her hour was almost up. He would be back to take her
away. All would be lost without escape and so she struggled again with
renewed fervor. The sensation grew but still she struggled. She writhed
and moaned, and the sensation grew. She pushed her hips into the tight
ropes over and over, and the sensation grew. She needed to get free, she
fought the ropes and the sensation grew. It grew and it grew and it
grew and then ... she was out of time. The flood came over her and waves
of sensation flooded her body. Her entire body shook with spasms. Her
eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she opened her mouth wide.
The drool drained from her face, flowed from her chin and ran down her
chest. She screamed into the ball as saliva bubbled and sprayed into the
air. She panted, and tried to catch her breath. She still had time to
get loose. She could still be free. It was then that she heard soft
clapping in the shadows. He emerged still applauding her show. He had
been there the entire time hidden behind the bright lights. The bastard had watched every movement and witnessed the agony of her predicament. Escape would have to wait. She knew this little show was far from over.
Crotch ropes are a necessary element of predicament bondage in my opinion. I correct myself, tight crotch ropes are necessary. They add a certain element of helplessness for sure because the damsel cannot even prevent a rope from going between her legs. The predicament comes into play because struggling will always remind a girl that there is a rope between her legs. It might hurt. It might chafe. It might feel like awesome times twenty, but a girl will always know it is there. That is the essence of a predicament for me. The damsel needs to struggle, but the struggling will always let her know there is a crotch rope and just where it is rubbing!
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