After you shoot for a while you notice that a lot of the content you produce is based on an intersection between your own interests and those of the people viewing your work. I'd be a fool to claim otherwise since I got into the business because I wasn't seeing material that lined up with my personal likes. I put together a list of what I liked. I put together a list of what I felt was not being done to my tastes. Those two lists coalesced to help form the mission statement that has been my work for so long.
Something that has always been missing from that list is bare feet. It's not that I don't like bare feet or that I think high heels are so incredible they must always be worn. I shoot more around the moments right after everything goes to hell in a hand-basket for the heroine and those moments usually involve someone fully dressed. Even more I find high heels make someone more helpless. If you cross a girl's ankles barefoot she'll still hop around. The same treatment with high heels on makes for someone who's not hopping around and makes for a lot of wriggling on the floor.
Tastes evolve though and so does the work. Over the years I've started to find that shoes coming off implies drama and tension to me. It implies struggle, change and evolution of the scenario. It implies time passing and therefor adds length to the story. Feet are also expressive where shoes are more static. Don't get me wrong, I'm not moving away from a lot of high heels. I'm just saying that some clips benefit greatly from bare feet. The image above speaks to my point. The clip started with Kerri Taylor in high heels. She was sitting and standing and unable to do much until she got down on the floor. As she struggled her heels fell off and that's when things seemed the most fervent. Her position on the floor allowed for more control and more struggle. The loss of her shoes gave her an edge in her attempts to get free, but the ropes held fast and seemed even tighter at that point.
Kerri Taylor in Tightly Tied with Some Groping on the Side is available for fans of strict restraint, bit gags, bare feet, brunettes, groping, big boobs and drooling!