The door? That son of a bitch is leaving!!! |
She had no idea how long she had been like this. Seconds seemed like minutes, and minutes seemed like hours when one is blind, almost deaf and unable to move. Her fervent struggling had long since ceased, replaced by a battle just to endure the increasing tightness of her predicament. The electrical tape squeezed her like a vice now that she had no strength to fight. She could only manage short breaths anyway, not enough to fuel meaningful struggle. The heat was unbearable. He had encased her in nylon before taping her. It seemed a kindness at first, a measure that prevents the tape from sticking to her skin. The double layer of nylon and tape kept in all her body heat though. It built up, and sweat drenched her body. Her neck was stiff, and she lifted her head to stretch it. She was afraid to roll on her back again. There was so much drool in her mouth, and it triggered her gag reflex when she rolled from her side. She could not afford another coughing fit like before. She almost blacked out the last time, and breathing took all her concentration. First one breath, then another. She focused on her breathing. She forced the air in and out despite the tape crushing her chest. In then out, steady and sure she kept telling her self. First one breath, and then the next. What she would not give for just one pillow at this point. Her neck was so sore. There were pillows about the room, but she had no idea where she was at this point. They might as well be miles away instead of mere feet. She could not roll anyway. The predicament had defeated her. It forced her to stay silent and immobile. She could do nothing but breath and wait for the return of the man that had done this to her. Anything would be better than this though. She welcomed his return despite what could be in store. She would hear the door at any moment. He would make things worse, but he would release he from this. That was all she cared about. What came next was no concern. All that mattered was an end to this. He was not a villain. He was going to be her savior. He would end this predicament, and that is all that mattered. She breathed in and out, and waited.
There is a subtle satisfaction to a restraint that wears a girl out instead of just defeating her. Anyone can make a damsel tap out of a position. It is much harder to create a scenario that slowly wears them down to the point where they can barely move anymore. They want to keep going. They want to struggle and moan and keep the film rolling. They cannot though. Their bonds have sucked all the energy from their limbs and all the spirit from their heart. The only thing they are left with after ten minutes is the ability to lay there and hope their lack of movement does not result in an addition to a position that is already made its point.
Image courtesy of Mummified and Freaking Out with Gigi Lynn available at